I imagine the technical ask would require an UX panel for sprite objects that allows them to auto detect sprite boundaries from the sheet (or allow the user to manually define them) and use them for respective animations, then use spritesheet.js to generate the data json, then use that for rendering in Pixijs.Īlternatively you could have something that just autosplits spritesheets for users as a shorter term solution, but while spritesheets don’t have a huge benefit for performance, they are important for html5 hosting optimization on places like Itch.io which has filecount limits for uploaded html5 games.
It supports spritesheet data made by spritesheet.js ( GitHub - krzysztof-o/spritesheet.js: Command-line spritesheet generator supporting Starling / Sparrow, PIXI.js, Easel.js and cocos2d) and others.